Birch Firewood | MRM Drive

Birch Firewood | MRM Drive


1/6 cord of firewood packaged in a mesh and canvas bag for easy storage. Each 1/6 cord bag of firewood is around 450 pounds and is 4 ft x 4 ft when stacked in a wood rack.

Kiln-Dried, ready to burn firewood. All of our firewood varieties are cut and split to 16” lengths and kiln-dried to ensure it is ready to burn when it gets to you. Easy to light with a long and bright burn, that’s what we stand by!

Our firewood can either be delivered to your door in the Duluth and Superior area for a flat rate $75 charge or it’s able to be picked up at our location listed below.

Stoked Firewood Address | 5102 S Cant Rd, Duluth, MN 55804

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